Young Singers Classes (Age 5-14)

R3 300.00
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Online Singers Classes.

(11 Weeks per Term)

At Legacy we know the importance of protecting young voices. We also understand the importance of FUN!

With this in mind, the Young Singers programme has been designed to nurture voices from the ages of 5 to 14 years, through their maturing phases.

Our classes cover all the correct grounding for singing whilst using music, movement and many inspired and exciting vocal exercises to help our Young Singers to passionately pursue their singing and performing.

It is a great joy to see our young ones grow in their confidence and abilities over these years.

Once they reach a particular age and need to move on from the programme, they are assessed and placed with the correct coach to take them further in their vocal development.

Our young musicians are the heartbeat of Legacy and we can’t wait to get to know you and help you start your musical journey!

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